Army. After an agency determines how to enforce a law, it develops regulations. In this way,
Army environmental regulations are based on federal laws. Soldiers should understand the
federal environmental laws that affect many of the activities they perform each day.
a. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NEPA requires the Army to determine the
environmental impact of proposed actions. If a proposed action will harm the environment, the
Army must develop a plan to eliminate or minimize the damage. Soldiers comply with NEPA
  Considering the environmental consequences of their actions.
Following environmental guidelines set forth in unit SOPs, installation regulations,
and mission orders.
b. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The RCRA governs how the Army
identifies, transports, stores, and disposes of HM and HW. RCRA places cradle-to-grave
responsibility for HW on the personnel or units generating the waste. It also governs recycling
and reusing nonhazardous material and waste. Used munitions can become a regulated HW in
some cases. Soldiers comply with RCRA by--
Storing cans of paint properly which conserves paint and prevents pollution.
Supporting the installation recycling program.
Removing materials (expended brass, communications wire, concertina, bobby
traps, unused munitions, and propellant charges) from training sites.
Conducting police calls to collect and dispose of solid waste.
Collecting and turning in HW and HM according to unit SOPs.
Knowing what HM they use on the job or at home.
Knowing what HW is produced as they perform their jobs.
c. Clean Water Act (CWA). The CWA regulates the discharges of pollutants into bodies of
water to include groundwater; storm water; surface water like lakes, rivers, and streams;
marshes; swamps; wetlands; coastlines; and navigable waterways (canals). Soldiers comply with
the CWA by--
Disposing of chemicals, solvents, and HW properly. Never dispose of them in storm
drains, sinks, toilets, or drains.
Washing vehicles in approved washracks only.
Cleaning up spills in the work area immediately.


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